Frequently Asked Questions.
What can I put in the bucket?
Lots of stuff. Check out this cheat sheet for more info.
Won’t it be all stanky?
No, not really. The buckets come with an airtight lid, which mitigates any burgeoning odors. Topping off the bucket with a bit of mulch or saw dust will further reduce the possibility of unwelcome wafting while in use. The pros store particularly grody scraps in the freezer until pick up time.
Can I get some of the finished compost back?
Most definitely. As batches cure, we will send you an email where you can request free delivery of our finished compost.
Can’t I just do this at home for free?
Yes! Of Course! And you should. There are plenty of free, simple DIY solutions to managing your personal waste stream. Our service merely takes care of the pain-in-the-butt part of things. We want to maximize the amount of material being composted - no matter who is doing it.